Sadly hearing loss impacts numerous young ones, however the right style of hearing aid could have a very positive effect on their everyday life. However, the large variety of hearing aid variations and attributes to choose from can make selecting the right one challenging for many parents. Read on for more information on the styles of hearing aids best suited to help young listeners.
In-the-ear (ITE) and behind-the-ear (BTE) are the two most popular types of hearing aids used by children. Because children are still growing and developing, their hearing aids have to be adjusted frequently. ITE and BTE aids easily lend themselves to regular adjustment, making them best suited to use in kids. Fitted to the child’s outer ear, in-the-ear hearing aids are small devices in plastic cases. Some other solutions like telecoil can be built into this kind of device. Worn behind the ear, BTE hearing aids are recognized by their plastic case. A small piece of tubing joins the case to an earmold that sits in the outer ear. Both types of devices can address different hearing issues.
Finding the right style of hearing aid for your child can become complex, especially if he or she has other medical concerns. Children with deformed ears may find behind-the-ear hearing aids challenging to use. In-the-ear hearing aids may not fit accurately if a child has a shallow ear canal. An excessive build-up of ear wax can impact hearing aid performance, especially for units that rest in the ear.
A hearing instrument specialist evaluation is necessary to find the best hearing aid for your child. Your specialist will understand your child’s unique issue and use these facts to make informed recommendations. You can also turn to this specialist to understand more about your own role in enhancing your child’s ability to hear. If your child isn’t old enough to adjust hearing aids on his or her own, it will be up to you to make certain they are comfortable.
Though it may seem mind-boggling at first, research and meeting with an expert will help you better understand the perfect hearing aid selections for your child.